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The Adventures of Sari Paati

A collection of children’s stories about a little girl & her elderly neighbour whose kashayams (generic term for various types of medicinal home brew, often vile-tasting, in Ayurveda) have rather… unusual effects.

Published by Tamizhini in 2024
ISBN: 978-81-926196-5-1



The Mall

When one is around nine or ten, one is inevitably short of cash. Of course, one has a wallet — the wallet being one’s parents — but this is hardly a limitless source. Or rather, this is hardly an unconditional source. And one craves the independence of not having to ask...


Wedding Bells

A few weeks ago, I volunteered at a wedding. We have to complete 12 hours of volunteering as part of our grade. The university had suggested a couple places where our unpaid labour would be much appreciated and so it was that after a hurried email correspondence...


The Perils of Ranganathan Street

I set out for Ranganathan Street (a street with a bazaar in it) a couple days ago at around 3:00pm. I paid an auto driver far more than I should have to take me there (mostly because I was too scared to haggle; a personality trait that will come to haunt me...


Bon Appetit

Cooking and I do not go together. We do not gel well. We have the sort of relationship where we nod at one another politely from opposite ends of the room before turning and attending to our respective businesses. This poor relationship has been a bit of a long-standing thing. When I was a child, my friends...

Stories &



Elaneer! - A Short Story

In hindsight, it was the elaneer seller’s fault.

Rangarajan wouldn’t call himself old, he was firmly convinced that he still had ways to go before that particular label could be thrust upon him, but he was fully prepared to call himself a man of experience...


Detective Shambu - A Translation

ORIGINAL STORY BY DEVAN “If one is a fool by forty, then he is a fool for a lifetime,” observed someone once. This wasn’t incorrect by any means. Shambu was forty and all who saw him said it immediately — he was a fool. Magara Bhooshan, his office manager...

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